The Brooklyn Book Festival – the largest free literary event in New York City – presents a diverse group of hundreds of national and international bestselling and emerging authors. As Brooklyn Eagle recently reported, to kick of the event, which will take place on Sunday, Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the festival is has organized a week of “Bookends” programming to be held throughout Brooklyn from Sept. 16-22.
These unique literary-themed events, all free or low-cost to attendees, include film screenings, parties, literary games and author appearances. The programs will be held at clubs, bookstores, parks, theaters and libraries across Brooklyn. Authors range from the iconic Edwidge Danticat to the hip Jennifer Gilmore and Ron Sheffield, as well as a 15-year-old author, Tori Nighthawk.
Literary Worlds: An Opening Night Party for Brooklyn Book Festival Bookends. Navel, shoe and stargazers unite! Electric Literature, Gigantic and Tumblr present Literary Worlds, a Brooklyn Book Festival Bookends opening night party featuring the most dancing, sparkling conversation, reasonably priced cocktails, and bookish fun this side of the Milky Way.
Location: The Bell House, 149 7th St.
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Price: Free
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What’s So Literary About Brooklyn? Brooklyn is considered the epicenter of contemporary literary culture, but why? Find out how much you know about Brooklyn authors and books by joining The Coffin Factory for a night of trivia, with participants culled from the Brooklyn literary scene: author, agent and editor John M. Cusick of Armchair/Shotgun, Henry Stewart of The L Magazine and Brooklyn Magazine and Penina Roth, curator, Franklin Park Reading Series.
Location: BookCourt, 163 Court St. (btw. Pacific and Dean St)
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Price: Free
Website: www.thecoffinfactory.com, www.bookcourt.com
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Lawrence Block, Lorin Stein and Chip McGrath on John O’Hara. Mystery writer Lawrence Block, Paris Review editor Lorin Stein and The New York Times writer-at-large Chip McGrath discuss John O’Hara, who’s had more stories published in The New Yorker than anyone in the history of the magazine. Moderated by Steven Goldleaf. Presented by powerHouse Arena + Penguin Classics.
Location: powerHouse Arena, 37 Main St. at Water St.
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Price: Free
Website: www.powerhousearena.com
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Explore Brooklyn Art Library and Contribute to the Sketchbook Project. Stop by during Book Festival week to contribute a page to the official Brooklyn Book Festival sketchbook. *This event will occur every day until September 21.
Location: Brooklyn Art Library, 103 N 3rd St.
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Price: Free
Website: www.sketchbookproject.com