“The Yoga of Max’s Discontent,” a new book by DUMBO-based author Karan Bajaj (Riverhead, on sale May 3), is a layered novel that takes readers across the world in search of truth and enlightenment. Bajaj, a No. 1 bestselling author in India for his novels “Johnny Gone Down” and “Keep Off the Grass,” now turns his focus to humanity’s unending search for meaning.
“The Yoga of Max’s Discontent” is the story of Max Pzoras, a Wall Street banker who becomes a yogi in the Himalayas. The son of Greek immigrants who grew up in a dangerous New York City housing project, Max has spent his life striving tirelessly for more. But in the wake of his mother’s death, a chance encounter thrusts him into India in a search for transcendence. As Max seeks answers to questions that have bedeviled him — Can yogis walk on water and live for 200 years without aging? Can a flesh-and-blood man ever achieve nirvana? — his physical and spiritual endurance is put to the ultimate test in the high Himalayas.
“The Yoga of Max’s Discontent” is about one man’s search for meaning, but Max’s yearning to understand his place in this world and to make sense of human suffering is universal. Part propulsive adventure story, part rumination on spiritual discovery, the novel investigates the capacity of the human spirit.