According to Brooklyn Eagle, two of our favorite experts on Brooklyn’s literary history will be speaking this Friday in Brooklyn Heights. Partnering with the Brooklyn Film & Arts festival, St. Francis College will be hosting “Literary Brooklyn” author Evan Hughes, who will discuss his recent book. Hughes spoke to Brooklyn Eagle about his motivations for chronicling the borough’s literary history; he told the Eagle,
When I was first moved to Brooklyn, in 1998, I knew that it had a literary tradition, but my information was patchy. More pieces emerged as I became more and more curious about the place. So Norman Mailer lives right there. And Hart Crane’s apartment was right over there. Is that where he wrote The Bridge? What did he think of Brooklyn? I wanted a book that would put it all together for me, that would tell me the story of the place through the eyes of its chroniclers. That book did not exist, I was surprised to learn, so I tried my hand at writing it.
Author and Brooklynite Tim McLoughlin will also discuss his recent work, and will share his knowledge about the Brooklyn connections in classic and modern literature. After Hughes and McLoughlin speak, participants of the 2012 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize will read their stories, and the 2012 Prize winner will be announced.
The event, free and open to the public, will take place from 7-9 pm at St. Francis College’s Maroni Theater (Room 7402). The Maroni Theater is located at 180 Remsen Street in Brooklyn Heights.