If Brooklynites have pride in the multi-cultural aspects of their home town in the 21st Century, they might have no more appropriate spokesman than gay immigrant Tim Anderson (born and transplanted from North Carolina). His hilarious style and point of view are best seen in his 2011 travel memoir, Tune In Tokyo: the Gaijin Diaries, and his blog (seetimblog.blogspot.com).
Through his comical book, Anderson recounts sixteen of the most humorous, memorable adventures that ensued during his stay in Japan. The North Carolina native was approaching thirty when he made the bold decision to teach English in Tokyo. Soon after the big move, Anderson began emailing his friends and family, recreating for them some of the bizarre situations and individuals he encountered abroad. When numerous friends encouraged Anderson to compile his stories into a travel memoir, he began writing what became Tune in Tokyo. If you’re looking for a smart and fun read, full of unexpected, laugh-out-loud moments, you’ll find relief in Tune in Tokyo.